Schroder Davis Law Firm, PLC

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Creative Industries Between Law and Heritage program in Lucca, Italy (Guest Speaker: Joan B. Davis)

Due to a family emergency, I could not attend in person as planned but even through Zoom I learned so much attending the Creative Industries Between Law and Heritage program in Lucca, Italy. I think Felicia Caponigri summed up the program nicely in this quote.
"Creative industries are a marriage of heritage and innovation. Creating fashion, design, and contemporary art in particular for contemporary audiences highlights the importance of maintaining a baseline of tradition and heritage while, at the same time, presenting comparatively newer forms, concepts, and even functions to meet the present. As public Italian museums seek to regulate public domain images of cultural properties used by creative industries on the market, and fashion, design, and contemporary art begin to age in to the proverbial cultural property box, these days in Lucca, with our dynamic group of participants and guest lecturers, allowed us to analyze and think about the future of creative industries and cultural heritage, and what role the law will play in their synergies, in Italy and in the U.S..” ~Felicia Caponigri
Thank you Anna Pirri Valentini and Felicia Caponigri and all of the guest lecturers who were a part of this program. Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca#FashionLaw#CulturalHeritage